Lengenlocher Straße 27
72213 Altensteig
Telefon: +49 7453 95 80 610
The following information is provided in accordance with German legislation (Section 5, TMG). All content of this internet service is copyright of:
Lengenlocher Straße 27
72213 Altensteig
+49 (0) 7453 95 80 610
Peter Weber
International VAT ID #: DE278947913
Website content
ID WEBER accepts no liability whatsoever for the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information published on this website. Liability claims against us pertaining to all and any damages incurred as a result of the use or non-use of information provided by us or the use of erroneous or incomplete information are excluded, except in cases where there is willful intent or negligence on our part.
Copyrights and trademarks
ID WEBER endeavors to respect the copyright of visuals, audio files, video clips and copy used in all publications and to use visuals, audio files, video clips and copy produced by us or visuals, audio files, video clips and copy that are not subject to licensing laws. All trademarks used on the website, including those governed by third-party intellectual property rights, are without exception subject to the relevant trademark legislation and the rights of the lawful registered owner. Simple naming of trademarks does not imply that third-party intellectual property rights do not apply.
All content created and published by us is protected by our exclusive copyright. Reproduction, distribution or publication of these visuals, audio files, video clips and copy in digital or printed media is prohibited without the express prior consent of ID WEBER.
Data privacy
Click here to read DSGVO Data Privacy Information
Limitation of liability
This clause is to be regarded as part of the internet-based offering. Should individual parts or provisions of this text not be, or no longer be, in compliance with current applicable legislation or court rulings, in whole or in part, the validity of all other content shall not be affected, mutatis mutandis.